This is Hue. He's 4 months old now. He looks like such an angel here. We've been to two obedience classes. On Day One, the trainer gave us a few doggie obedience tips. Seems to me these could also be applied to art and to life. Don't take it personally : I ask him to sit and he does for a second. Then I gently pull his leash up and push his bum down to sit again. And I do this again. And I do it again and again. He puts his front two feet onto the table by the back door. I push him off. He does it again and again and again as he waits for me to put on my coat to go outside. And again. As I put on my coat, he tries to bite the bottom edge of the jacket. I take my outdoor shoes out of the closet, put them on the floor and he quickly grabs one and runs away with it. I call him back. He comes. I take the shoes away and put them on one at a time. I bend over to put his leash on. He bites...